
to the
Rochester Woodcarvers!
The Rochester Woodcarvers Club is a gathering of individuals from around the Rochester Minnesota area who are interested in woodcarving. Everyone is welcome whether they are just interested in learning about woodcarving, are considering starting to carve, or are beginner, experienced or master carvers.
Join us at the next meeting of the 2024-2025 season
Visitors welcome!
For general meeting information and location check out the Club Information menu above.
Upcoming Meetings & Speakers
19-April-2025: Laurie Reed & Janet Denn – Woodburning Wizards
17-May-2025: Charlene Lynum – Award Winning Chip Carver
21-June-2025: Spring Picnic
Weekly Carve-Ins on Tuesday and Wednesday (details here)
Please invite your spouse, family, friends and neighbors to our meetings!
Remember to bring your “Show and Tell” items to let us know what you have been doing!
Recent Club Events
Our 49th Anniversary Annual Show was fun for both visitors and exhibitors. Details about the show including links to media coverage are on the 2025 Annual Show page. Photos and a video will be added there, but it may be mid-April before they all appear.
Next Monthly Meeting – April 19
Laurie Reed & Janet Denn – Woodburning Wizards
This pair of sisters not only carve, but they also create wonders by burning things. They know how to turn a wood burning pen into a magic wand. We will get a peek into how they do it and hopefully they will let us in on some of their secrets.
How to transfer patterns to the wood
– Transfer tool
– Burn through the paper
– Use graphite paper or copy paper
How to make the pattern come alive and have dimension
– How to use the shader pen
Some common questions that get asked:
– Does the paper ever catch on fire?
– How to keep your fingers from feeling burnt when burning for long periods of time?
– We will think of others